Deeper Leaders are....
Seven characteristics of Deeper Leaders
Deeper Leaders are...
Rooted in their values and purpose
- knowing what matters most and where they stand on key issues. They lead with a sense of direction and with ethical and moral clarity, proven in crises
Growing in awareness of their 'light' and their 'shadow'
- their 'signature strengths', their vulnerabilities and the impact of these on their leadership
Humble and curious
- always listening, learning, seeking dialogue, knowing that their wisdom and understanding is never complete
Discovering, and expressing, their 'Voice'
- living out their unique contribution, with a growing awareness of the difference only they can make and a sense of the legacy they want to leave
Enabling the leadership of others
- helping others find and express their 'Voice' at work and in the wider world
Striving to lead with love
- holding love as a universal human need that enables others to make their best contribution, while accepting that sometimes love must be tough
Globally responsible
- seeking to lead their lives and their organisations as active contributors to a fairer, kinder and more sustainable world