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Developing leadership
- for a kinder, fairer, more sustainable world


Welcome to Deeper Leaders

Superficiality is the curse of our age.
The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem.
The desperate need today is not for a greater number of

intelligent people, or gifted people,

but for deep people.


- Richard Foster, Quaker Writer

We believe there is a desperate need in this age of global pandemics, growing inequalities and environmental degradation, for deeper leadership. Deeper leaders are rooted in clear guiding principles and values that are not jettisoned, but rather proved, in a crisis. They have a growing sense of who they are, the difference they can make and the legacy they want to leave in the lives of those they lead and in the world at large. And, ultimately, that's good for business.


It's easy to look around and spot 'shallow' leaders, those that seem to be more interested in furthering their own political agendas, rather than helping to build a kinder, fairer, greener world.


But what do you see when you look in the mirror, honestly? Is your own personal agenda the central driver of your leadership? Or is your leadership in service of the greater good - not just of your organisation, but of humankind and the planet which we call home ?


Check out our 7 Characteristics of Deeper Leaders. Which could you do with developing and deepening in your own leadership?

​Deeper Leaders is a collective of experienced consultants, facilitators, coaches and organisational development practitioners dedicated to developing deeper leadership in organisations and communities - as we grow as deeper leaders ourselves - towards a kinder, fairer, greener world.

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What we do

What we do

Our experienced team of consultants has worked across the sectors and across the globe, and they will bring the richness of this experience to your leadership and to your organisation. We have world-class coaches, facilitators and Organisational Development Practitioners who are also experienced in developing the skillsets of these disciplines in their clients.


Many consultancies offer support in these areas, but we believe that our values and approach and our guiding purpose of developing leadership for a kinder, fairer and more sustainable world uniquely places us to help equip your leaders, your teams and your organisation's development needs for the very present challenges of our time.


We always begin by exploring, with you, the development needs you have identified in the context of your whole organisation. We look below the surface to core issues and design interventions bespoke to your context. However, to give you an idea of the kinds of programmes we develop for our clients, it tends to focus on the following three core areas:

Helping you develop...

Helping you develop...


A single tree  - symbolising an individual leader
  • Leading with purpose

  • Executive coaching

  • Leadership development

  • Leadership communities


A dense forest of trees - symbolising a team of leaders
  • Building trust

  • Strengthening dialogue

  • Harnessing conflict

  • Focussing energies

Our Approach


An aerial shot of a car travelling down a road through a thick forest, symbolising strategy
  • Strategic agility

  • Navigating complexity

  • Aligning culture

  • Strategies for a better world

Our Approach

Our Approach...

You can expect a unique blend of depth and wisdom from Deeper Leaders that will help you build individual and organisational resilience in a fast-moving, complex and uncertain world. Here's how:




"When roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind"
- African Proverb


We will ask deep questions to help you identify and strengthen the enabling roots of individual and organisational flourishing for your leadership and your organisation. We will help you tame the 'tyranny of the urgent', step back from a reactive and superficial response to a fast-moving world, and focus on achieving sustainable outcomes in turbulent and uncertain times.



"Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
Love her, and she will watch over you."

- King Solomon

Our experience of working at depth with individual leaders, teams and organisations has given us a hard-earned understanding of what works and what doesn’t. But we don't pretend to have all the answers for your context - we will join you in being curious about what will work for you. We will help you delve deeper and scan wider to build a rich picture of the complexities and interdependencies at work, internally and externally, enabling wiser leadership decisions.


"The one who knows the 'why' for his or her existence,
will be able to bear almost any 'how' ".

- Viktor Frankl

We will 'strengthen your core' by helping you clarify your sense of identity, purpose and vision, as individual leaders and as organisations. Such clarity  will enable wiser, less reactive, but still agile, responses to an uncertain and unpredictable operating environment. We will also strengthen your organisational resilience by helping you play your part in building a fairer, kinder and more sustainable world.


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